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How Smart Are Our Canine Pals? 
June 15, 2024

Dogs have long been celebrated as loyal companions, but their intelligence often goes underappreciated. Exploring the question, “How smart are dogs?” reveals a complex landscape of cognitive abilities that surpass mere basic instincts. From understanding commands to exhibiting emotional intelligence, dogs demonstrate a level of smartness that can rival even that of young children. Recent studies have shown that dogs can learn words, solve complex problems, and even interpret human emotions based on facial expressions and tone of voice. This article delves into the various aspects of canine intelligence, backed by scientific research and expert insights, to give a comprehensive overview of just how intelligent our furry friends truly are. Whether they’re navigating obstacle courses or sensing our moods, dogs continually impress with their cognitive capabilities. Join us as we explore the depth of intelligence that makes dogs not just pets, but also partners and protectors.

Have you ever wondered about your dog’s intelligence? Some of our canine friends are very smart! In fact, the typical pooch can pick up more than 100 phrases and gestures. Some are capable of learning up to 250 words or phrases. That means that Fido is about as intelligent as a two-year-old human child! In this article, a Greeley, CO veterinarian looks into doggy intellect.

Fellow: When this German Shepherd was still a puppy, a man named Jacob Herbert fell in love with the cute canine. Herbert was able to teach the pooch to obey very specific commands, such as “Jump Over the Sofa” and “Go Into the Back Room.”

How Do I Know If Fido Is Smart?

Do you want to know how smart your dog is? In some cases, it’s pretty clear. Fido is probably fairly intelligent if he has managed to unlock the door or open the fridge.

However, there are a few methods you can try to put your pooch to the test.

Learning: We definitely recommend prioritizing teaching Fido the fundamentals of obedience before moving on to tricks. That said, as you’re training your pet, see how long it takes him to pick up new skills.

Puzzle Toys: These are also a useful tool for determining your dog’s dog IQ. Give Fido a toy that he must operate or handle in a specific way in order for him to receive his prize. Another option is to try hiding munchies beneath a cup.

Word Play: When you address your dog, do you use a specific tone of voice? Try communicating with Fido using that familiar intonation but switch up the words. You could say anything, like “Garlic Bread” or “Star Trek time!” If Fido disregards these phrases but responds when you call his name, it could be a sign of his intelligence. This experiment sheds light on the question of how smart dogs are, demonstrating their ability to recognize and react to cues that matter to them.

Of course, there are situations where you may end up realizing that your canine buddy isn’t the smartest dog on the block. That’s okay, too! Your cute pet will more than make up for his lack of intelligence, though, with his endearing charm and devoted companionship!

What Is The Average Dog IQ?

Fido can’t technically take written exams, of course. However, scientists have done a great deal of research in this area. The results? According to studies, the typical dog has an IQ of roughly 100.

What Were Some Really Smart Canines?

When discussing canine intelligence, Border Collies consistently demonstrate remarkable abilities. Consider Chaser, a remarkable Border Collie who recognized over a thousand objects by name during a training program at Wofford College. Similarly, before Chaser, another Border Collie named Rico gained attention for his intellectual prowess, mastering more than 200 words. These examples highlight the advanced cognitive capabilities of dogs, particularly how smart dogs like Border Collies can be in understanding and responding to human language.

Of course, there’s another animal to which Chaser and Rico play second and third fiddle, respectively. Puck, a Budgie, was one special fluffy bird. That feathered genius learned nearly 1700 words!

Additionally, there are other dogs whose intelligence is causing waves besides these two.

Check out these other “pawesome” pups:

Gander: This dog is well known for his bravery and intelligence. A native of St. John’s, Newfoundland, Gander rose to fame in World War II by aiding Canadian soldiers. The amazing dog went so far as to grab a deadly grenade and carry it away from his fellow soldiers, ultimately giving his life to save theirs.

Fellow: When this German Shepherd was still a puppy, a man named Jacob Herbert fell in love with the cute canine. Herbert was able to teach the pooch to obey very specific commands, such as “Jump Over the Sofa” and “Go Into the Back Room.”

Colonel: Charles Kestler, the owner of the Merchants’ Hotel, was the owner of this Denver dog.  Playing with his ball, which Kestler kept in the writing desk drawer, was the Colonel’s all-time favorite pastime. When no one would play with him one day, Colonel took matters into his own paws and figured out how to open the drawer. This involved stepping behind and under the desk, standing on his rear legs, and pushing the drawer open!

Which Dog Breed Is The Most Intelligent?

Breed undoubtedly contributes to Fido’s IQ. Several studies have been done on this. While there is a bit of variation in the order and list, for the most part, the same pups consistently make it to the top of the list.

Here they are:

  • Border Collie
  • Poodle
  • German Shepherd
  • Golden Retriever
  • Doberman Pinscher
  • Shetland Sheepdog
  • Labrador Retriever
  • Papillon
  • Rottweiler
  • Australian Cattle Dog
  • Pembroke Welsh Corgi
  • Miniature Schnauzer
  • English Springer Spaniel
  • Belgian Tervuren
  • Schipperke
  • Collie
  • Keeshond
  • German Shorthaired Pointer

Stanley Coren, PhD, outlined this comprehensive list in his book The Intelligence of Dogs, which came out in 1994. 

Additionally, Cohen classified canine intelligence into three main categories.

  • Instinctive Intelligence measures how strongly dogs naturally take to certain actions. The Border Collie’s behavior of “herding” his humans is a prime example of this.
  • Adaptive Intelligence The ability of a dog’s mental processes to adapt to their surroundings is known as adaptive intelligence. This is relevant for a lot of working canines, such as assistance dogs for the blind. For example, service dogs may ignore orders to lead their humans across a street if they spot an approaching car.
  • Working Obedience Fido will put in a lot of effort to please you. How quickly he responds is what is measured in working obedience. In one study, for example, the most intelligent breeds answered commands over 95% of the time on the first try.

We’re Still Learning About Dogs’ Intelligence

Although Cohen’s work is still highly regarded, further research has since provided additional insight into this subject. One particularly interesting study from Helsinki was published in 2022’s Scientific Reports.

Over 2350 pups underwent the smartDOG test battery between 2016 and 2022, assessing a range of canine intelligence attributes. The subjects, a mix of mutts and purebreds, were evaluated across various domains including greeting behavior, activity level, exploratory behavior, learning, memory, inhibitory control, problem-solving, logic, and gesture interpretation. This comprehensive analysis offers insights into the question of “how smart are dogs,” exploring their cognitive abilities through structured evaluations.

Many of the results were as expected, particularly for certain breeds. A herding dog, for example, would be expected to be adept at gestures, so it’s no surprise that the Malinois did well in this area. A few of the findings were unexpected, though. For instance, the Labrador Retriever, who is frequently considered one of the smartest dogs, did not score well.

What Are The Least Intelligent Dogs?

Let’s just say this up front: we sincerely love every one of our canine patients. Not all dogs need to know how to fetch specific items or follow complex orders! Fido can still be a Very Good Boy even if he isn’t a four-legged brainiac.

We do have a list of the dog breeds that are the least clever, though, in case you were curious.

  • Basset Hound
  • Mastiff
  • Beagle
  • Pekingese
  • Bloodhound
  • Borzoi
  • Chow Chow
  • Bulldog
  • Basenji
  • Afghan Hound

Dogs’ intelligence varies widely, influencing their ability to learn commands and solve problems. How smart are dogs? Research shows they can understand over 150 words and intentionally deceive other dogs and humans to get treats. Despite their varying cognitive abilities, these pups remain wonderful companions who deserve plenty of affection and belly rubs, just like any other dog.

That being said, if your canine friend is one of these, we would definitely suggest being extra careful about petproofing and perhaps adopting a few extra safety precautions. Ask your Troutville, VA vet for tips on this.

How Smart Are Dogs in 2024: Essential Preventive Care Measures for Canine Health and Happiness

What are some essential preventive care measures for dogs?

Regular veterinary check-ups are crucial for maintaining a dog’s health, ensuring timely vaccinations and parasite control. A balanced diet tailored to age, breed, and health needs supports overall well-being. Daily exercise helps prevent obesity and promotes mental stimulation. Dental care, including regular brushing and professional cleanings, prevents gum disease. Lastly, consistent training and socialization from a young age foster behavioral health, making dogs safer and more adaptable to new environments and situations. These measures collectively contribute to a healthier, happier life for dogs.

How can I ensure proper dental hygiene for my dog?

Ensuring proper dental hygiene for dogs involves daily brushing with toothpaste formulated specifically for canines. Introduce dental care routines gradually to help your dog become comfortable with the process. Regularly inspecting your dog’s teeth for signs of plaque, tartar, or dental disease is crucial. Additionally, provide dental chews and toys that help reduce tartar build-up. Scheduling annual dental check-ups with a veterinarian is also recommended to maintain optimal oral health and address any issues early.

How can I provide mental stimulation for my dog?

To provide mental stimulation for your dog, engaging in obedience training is highly effective. Start with basic commands and gradually introduce more complex tasks. Puzzle toys also offer a great way to challenge your dog’s mind, requiring them to solve problems to access treats. Additionally, incorporating games that involve hiding treats or toys can help sharpen their cognitive skills. Consistently varying the routines and introducing new activities can prevent boredom and keep your dog mentally stimulated.

How can I check my dog’s vital signs at home?

To check your dog’s vital signs at home, start by measuring the heart rate. Place your hand on the left side of your dog’s chest to feel the heartbeat. Count the beats for 15 seconds and multiply by four to get beats per minute. Normal rates vary from 60 to 140 beats per minute depending on the dog’s size and condition. Next, assess the respiratory rate by observing how many times the chest rises in 60 seconds; typically, this should be 10 to 30 breaths per minute. Also, check the gum color; healthy gums should be pink, not white or blue.

What are some daily habits that can improve my dog’s health and happiness?

Engaging your dog in daily physical activities like walking or playing fetch can significantly boost their overall health and happiness. Mental stimulation is equally important; consider puzzle toys or training sessions to keep their mind sharp. A consistent routine for meals, exercise, and bedtime also helps maintain their physical and mental wellbeing. Regular social interactions with other dogs or humans can enhance their mood and prevent behavioral issues. Lastly, ensure a balanced diet tailored to their specific age, size, and health needs to support optimal vitality.

Do you have concerns regarding the wellbeing or upkeep of your dog? Feel free to get in touch with us at any time. As your neighborhood Troutville, VA veterinary clinic, we can assist you!

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